Smashing it in Alnwick

The buzz around the hive is that Elinor Keber made a very excellent debut as Sophie Bee at the beautiful Alnwick Garden. Here she is in action. Check out our facebook page for more pics.

Sophie Bee in bee costume doing a disco pose hand pointing

Elinor Keber as Sophie Bee, with Daniel Alun as Barnabee








The punters at Alnwick Gardens like like LIKED show. They were saying:

“All of it was good. I loved the actors”

“Loved all of it”

“Great show, great that it was signed, lots going on”

“Really liked that the show was signed and subtitled as well as spoken and the dancing at the end was good fun as well”

Yeehaa! London Unlimited Festival here we come! Bee ready!

A big thank you to Alnwick Gardens for bringing us such amazing audiences. The actors had brilliant fun and enjoyed the interaction with children.

Sophie Bee (Elinor Keber) said: “In the third show this afternoon, two small boys shouted “you’re rubbish” at me quite relentlessly (they wanted the boy bee to win). I’m trying not to take it as a slur against my acting”.



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